sweet or unsweet tea
7.99Sold by the gallon
Bottled coke products
2.99 eachCoke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Dr. Pepper, Mello Yello, Minute Maid Lemonade.
4.75 for 12slider buns 6.75 for 24
paper goods
1.50Includes: Plates, Cups, Wet Naps, and Napkins.
pig n pub
4992 Hwy 70 East
white bluff, tn 37187
Consumer Advisory: Consumption of undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood may increase the risk of food-borne illnesses.
Smaller catering orders 30 people or less require 72 hours in advance. Larger orders 30 people or more require 1 week notice.
50% Nonrefundable deposit required at time of order placement. Cancellations are required 48 hours in advance or full price is applied. Credit Card must be on file.
For a $100 Dollar refundable deposit (each) upon return, Pig N Pub will supply insulated warming container's known as a "Cambro" to keep food warm for an extended event or party.